地址 | 上海市徐汇区五原路 |
面积 | 200 平方米 |
项目类型 | 室内设计,家具设计 |
设计时间 | 2023.04-2023.08 |
Address | Wuyuan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai |
Area | 200 sqm |
Project Type | Interior Design, Furniture Design |
Design Period: | 2023.04-2023.08 |
这是位于上海市中心梧桐区的一家设计师服装店。这家店的设计中,没有 “标新立异”,却在细节处追求极致。品牌致力于打造舒适与自然的女装,主打高品质与松弛感,因此我们在材料选择上使用了大量天然材料,有白橡木原木,天然石材,耐火砖,回收羊毛衫做成的面料,剑麻地毯等等,这些都是最天然最纯粹的材料,他们组合在一起就会显得非常有亲近感,这与初禾“回归本源”的理念也很契合。
This is a designer’s store located in downtown Shanghai. In designing of this store, we pursue the perfection in the details. The brand is committed to creating comfortable and natural women's clothing, emphasizing high quality and relaxation. Therefore, we use a large number of natural materials in material selection, including oak, natural stones, refractory bricks, fabrics made from recycled woolen sweaters, sisal carpets, and so on. These are the most natural and pure materials, and when combined, they will present a feeling of intimacy, which is also in line with CHUHE’s concept of "returning to the original source".