

Alp of Spring

业主 资本策略
地址 上海市南京西路四季坊
面积 120 平方米
项目类型 装置艺术/户外家具设计
设计时间 2022.12-2023.02
材料 Renewal Materials
画作 君爱公益
Client CSI Properties
Location InPoint, West Nanjing Road, Shanghai
Area 120 sqm
Project Type Installation Art/Outdoor Furniture Design
Design Period: 2022.09-2022.11
Materials: Renewal Materials
Art: UniLove

我们使用"春之丘"的概念,用天然环保的材料结合艺术、绿植与街区商业,在四季坊中心广场搭建一座乡野自然中的山丘,象征春天到来,万物生发,一切源于自然。三组高低错落的“丘陵,结合了树池、户外座椅和艺术画展,可供来往行人欣赏和休憩,与身边人一起感受 ”春天的阳光,生长中绿植和花草。

We use the concept of "Alp of Spring" to build this verdant oasis in the central plaza of InPoint, using eco materials with embodying elements of art, greens and retail community, symbolizing the arrival of spring, the new beginnings and growth, and the origin of everything from nature. Three groups of undulating levels of tree boxes with public seating and art exhibition walls, can be appreciated visually and enjoyed as a gathering space by the public, to experience the spring sunshine, growing plants and flowers with people around them. 










