Glup 酒吧

Glup 酒吧

Glup Wine

地址 苏州竹辉环宇荟
面积 60 平方米
项目类型 室内设计
设计时间 2022.09-2022.11
Address Suzhou Unipark
Area 60 sqm
Project Type Interior Design
Design Period: 2022.09-2022.11

走进苏州老城区的街巷就发现另一片天地。这里没有亭台楼阁,却有着历久弥新的门楼与残旧剥落的砖墙;这里没有奇花异石,却有着鸡犬相闻的邻里。这里有真实的生活,一种渐渐远去,但又无比熟悉的像家的感觉。我们把这种街巷生活的氛围融入Glup酒吧设计中,让 每个人进来都能体会到这是像街坊邻里一样的亲切的地方。

Walking into the alleys of Suzhou old town, you will discover another world. There are no historical pavilions here, but there are timeless gatehouses and dilapidated brick walls; There are no treasured flowers and stones here, but there are neighbors who are familiar with each other. This is real life, a feeling that is gradually fading away, yet incredibly familiar like home. We integrate the atmosphere of street life into the design of Glup Bar, so that everyone can experience this place as friendly as the neighbors. 

Glup 酒吧

Glup 酒吧

Glup 酒吧

Glup 酒吧

Glup 酒吧

Glup 酒吧

Glup 酒吧

Glup 酒吧