室内设计师 Interior Designer


1. 对审美和设计有追求,具备创造性思维和优秀的设计能力;

2. 积极主动,认真负责,良好的沟通与团队协作能力;

3. 建筑学、室内设计本科及以上学历;

4. 具备1年以上室内项目设计经验;

5. 熟练使用CAD, Rhino, SU, ID 等各种专业软件。


1. Pursuit of aesthetics and design, creative thinking and excellent design ability;

2. Proactive, reliable,good communication and teamwork skills;

3. 1+ years’ interior design experience;

4. Bachelor degree or above majoring in Architecture or interior design;

5. Excellent in common design software, e.g., CAD, Rhino, SU, ID.

实习生 Intern


1. 对设计充满热情,乐于学习,审美在线,有创造力;

2. 做事认真,良好的沟通与协作能力;

3. 建筑学、室内设计或相关设计专业本科及以上学历应届毕业生;

4. 熟练使用CAD, Rhino, SU, ID 等各种专业软件;

5. 实习期不短于2个月。


1. Passionate about design, willing to learn, good sense of aesthetic and creativity;

2. Earnest, good communication and cooperation skills;

3. Bachelor degree or above majoring in Architecture, Interior Design or other design related field;

4. Excellent in common design software, e.g., CAD, Rhino, SU, ID;

5. Minimum 2 months internship.